
A Brighter Christmas, A Darker Future?

Even though Christmas has passed, the festive spirit lingers here in Fuerteventura! Our Christmas tree remains proudly displayed, twinkling with lights. And the celebrations continue, as we eagerly await the arrival of the Three Kings on Dia de Reyes.

Christmas lights! They transform our neighborhoods into twinkling wonderlands, casting a festive glow on the season. But as we string up those dazzling displays, it's worth considering the potential impact of our holiday cheer.

The dazzling spectacle of Christmas lights comes at a cost, not just to our wallets (though those energy bills can certainly add up!), but to the environment and even our own health.

The sheer volume of holiday lights creates a blanket of artificial light, washing out the stars and disrupting the natural night sky. This "light pollution" isn't just a nuisance for astronomers and stargazers. It confuses wildlife, disrupts their natural rhythms, and can even harm their delicate ecosystems. Imagine a tiny insect drawn to a brilliant streetlight, circling and circling until it's exhausted and disoriented. Or picture a migrating bird, its natural navigation severely impacted by the city's glow, losing its way and struggling to find its destination.

Furthermore, all that artificial light at night can wreak havoc on our sleep cycles. It becomes harder to fall asleep, sleep quality suffers, and individuals often wake up feeling groggy and unrefreshed. This can lead to mood swings, difficulty concentrating, and even serious health problems down the line.

So, what can we do? Can we still enjoy the magic of the season without sacrificing our environment and our well-being? Absolutely! Here are a few simple steps individuals can take:

  • Embrace energy-efficient LEDs: They use less energy and produce less heat, making them a much greener choice.

  • Embrace timers: Set timers to automatically turn off lights when individuals are asleep or away from home.

  • Shield your lights: Direct the light downwards to minimize light pollution and reduce glare.

  • Choose warm-colored lights: They're less disruptive to wildlife and create a more cozy, festive atmosphere.

  • Support your local "Dark Sky" initiatives: Join a local organization or participate in community events that raise awareness about the importance of preserving the night sky.

This holiday season, let's make a conscious effort to be more mindful of our lighting choices. By making small adjustments, we can create a brighter Christmas for everyone while ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come.

Christmas. What are its origins? And what is the connection to the Winter Solstice?

The Origins of Christmas stem as far back as Pagan Roman times. The festival was called Saturnalia, an ancient Roman celebration of the God Saturn, which lasted from Dec 17th-23rd. The God Saturn, is usually connected with the Greek Cronos, but it was the Romans who actively worshipped the God, associating him with agriculture and abundance. Saturnalia was a raucous affair! A time where anything goes and the boundaries between Master and Slave no longer exist, implying freedom and the equal standing of all people. Gifts were also exchanged and gambling, drinking and playing games was seen as the norm. Nobody was to work during this time. The Romans saw it as returning to the Golden Age, when the God Saturn ruled over Earth. It was a time of Universal harmony and Saturnalia was a way of spreading that love. Other accounts are that it was more an excuse for illicit activity and that it was only the children of the Masters who served the Slaves. We will never know, but the similarities between Saturnalia and Christmas are undeniable with drinking, feasting, sharing gifts and not working as the main component

The Winter Solstice has been celebrated on the 21st or 22nd of December since ancient times. In the Norse tradition, the Winter Solstice celebrated the rebirth of Sol with offerings to Freyr. In ancient Persia and Iran, honoring Mithra is called Yalda. In the Ancient Roman pantheon, the feast of Saturnalia honored the Gods of Harvest and Plenty, Saturn and Ops. To them, the sun decreasing in visibility as the days of the year moved forward spoke of the dying of the sun. They believed that at the time of the winter solstice the sun actually needed to be reborn so that it could live another year. That’s why, in their religious superstition, they organized annual festivals that were held during the days just before and after the day of the winter solstice. These festivals were celebrations dedicated to the sun god, whatever name that god went by. December 25th, then, was celebrated with a feast to commemorate the birth (rebirth) of the sun.

In English, the world solstice comes from the Latin word solstitium, meaning "sun standing still". It seems to suggest a brief pause as the sun reaches its most extreme Southerly point (as experienced on Earth) before the direction of travel is reversed, resulting in the shortest day and longest night of the Year. On a spiritual level, it teaches us about resilience and hope in the face of darkness. The Sun will rise again, even after the longest night of the Year, bringing new beginnings and brighter days. It's a time to reflect on your inner light and the continuous cycle of growth and renewal.

So the origins of Christmas are based on pagan celebrations, that were slowly transitioned into more christian ideologies and later emerged into the modern Christmas that we celebrate around the globe today.




When October starts, Autumn is already here: the days are shorter and shorter and the nights get longer, making easier to enjoy the night sky in more convenient hours.

The mayor planets, accompanying us from the beginning of Summer, seem not disposed to leave us for the moment: while Venus and Jupiter are well visible but quite low on the Western horizon, Saturn and Mars are quite high towards the South and in a good position for an observation through the telescope. We should not miss the remarkable picture offered by 'The Lord of The Rings', so wonderful that it appears to be unreal.

The most brilliant part of the Milky Way is now slowly disappearing with Sagittarius into the Southern horizon, but another of her arms, Perseus's, is now the protagonist crossing the sky from the East to the zenith through the Summer Triangle, constituted by the stars Vega (in Lyra), Deneb (in the Swan) and Altair (in the Eagle); in this area we should not miss visiting the beautiful double star Albireo, a fascinating view through whatever telescope.

And the Moon will not miss her monthly date, once more in the second decade of the month. Her seas, her craters and her mountains leave us astonished due the wonderful details we can admire through a telescope in spite of the great distance.

Clear skies to everybody!


Cuando comienza octubre, el otoño ya ha empezado: los días se hacen más cortos y la noches se alargan, propiciando la observación del cielo nocturno en horarios más cómodos.

Los planetas mayores, que nos acompañan desde el principio del verano, se resisten a desparecer: si bien Venus y Júpiter se presentan más bien bajos hacia el horizonte Oeste, tanto Saturno como Marte siguen altos hacia el Sur y siguen en una posición muy favorable para su observación con el telescopio. No debemos perdernos el espectáculo que brinda el 'Señor de los Anillos', tan asombroso que parece casi irreal.

Y mientras que la rama más brillante de la Vía Láctea se va hundiendo con Sagitario poco a poco en el Sur, todavía nos queda por admirar su brazo de Perseo, que cruza el cielo desde el Noreste hasta en cenit, pasando por el característico Triángulo del Verano, que forman las estrellas Vega (en la Lira), Deneb (en el Cisne) y Altair (en el Águila); en esta zona no debemos olvidar visitar a la maravillosa estrella doble Albireo, que nos ofrece un espectáculo fascinante con un telescopio.

Tampoco la Luna falta a su cita mensual, una vez más en la segunda decena del mes. Sus cráteres, sus mares y sus montañas no dejan de asombrarnos por el gran detalle que nos ofrecen con el telescopio a pesar de su lejanía.

¡Cielos despejados para todos!




….The arrival of September is announcing the end of the Summer and the start of the Autumn, which this year begins on the 23rd of this month. The mayor planets, protagonists of August's sky, are still accompanying us in September. Venus is setting down earlier and earlier in the West, while Jupiter is still in a very favorable position for an observation with a telescope, with his 4 mayor satellites changing their position hour after hour and offering a view similar to a Solar System in a smaller scale. Saturn is reaching his best epoch for our observation, always fascinating us with his fantastic rings, and Mars, after his opposition, is very close to the Earth, shining very brilliant and reddish towards the East.

The Milky Way is now more vertical to the South, letting more protagonism to the most typical Autumn constellations, such as Capricorn and Aquarius.

With the nights getting longer every day, the Moon is not missing her date starting from the second decade of the month. We should not miss the wonderful view offered through the telescope by her seas, her craters and her mountains, in their best moment around the First Quarter of the 17th.

Clear skies to everybody!..

La llegada de septiembre ya anuncia el fin del Verano y la entrada del Otoño, que este año empieza en la madrugada del día 23. Los planetas mayores, protagonistas del cielo de agosto, siguen acompañándonos también en septiembre. Venus se pone cada noche más pronto en el Oeste, mientras que Júpiter está en una época más favorable para su observación con el telescopio, con sus 4 satélites mayores que cambian de posición hora tras hora, ofreciéndonos una imagen parecida a un Sistema Solar en miniatura. Saturno por su parte alcanza en este mes la mejor posición en el cielo nocturno, no dejando de sorprendernos por sus maravillosos anillos, al tiempo que Marte, recién salido de la oposición, se encuentra muy cerca de la Tierra y por eso se nota muy rojizo y brillante en el Este.

La Vía Láctea empieza a ponerse cada vez más vertical en el Sur, dejando paso a las constelaciones más típicas del Otoño, como Capricornio y Acuario.

Con las noches que se van haciendo más largas, la Luna no falta a su cita a partir de la segunda decena del mes. No deberíamos perdernos el espectáculo que nos brindan a través del telescopio su mares, sus cráteres y sus montañas, que ofrecen su mejor imagen en los días cercanos al Cuarto Creciente del 17 del mes.

¡Cielos despejados para todos!….


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….August is the month most expected by everyone who loves the shooting stars. The Perseids, called locally Tears of Saint Lawrence, are back and around the 12th of the month they are filling our island's skies with their brilliant lights. This year too, the absence of the Moon and the presence of the 4 major planets will make this event even more special, if possible. As a long time tradition, the Antigua's municipality organizes a public and free observation in the Prehispanic village of La Atalayita (information in 928 549653), but you can admire them from all the dark places of the island.

And back to the planets, in the Firmament it's easy to find Venus to the West in the first hours after sunset, while Jupiter shines very high during most of the night. A telescope reveals his dark atmospheric bands and his 4 major satellites, bright dots dancing restlessly around the giant. From the East, Saturn will leave you incredulous when admiring his famous rings, and sometimes also a few of his more than 60 satellites. Mars, the Red Planet, destination of so many exploring missions, is also reaching this area following his apparent retrograde movement.

The Moon accompanies us in the second part of the month. Her mountains, her seas and her craters are all a surprise due to their sharpness and closeness through the telescope, leaving us fascinated every time we admire them.

Clear skies to everybody! ..

Agosto es el mes más esperado por todos los amantes de las estrellas fugaces. Vuelven las Perseidas, las Lágrimas de San Lorenzo, que alrededor del 12 de este mes llenan los cielos de nuestra isla con sus brillantes destellos. Este año, la ausencia de Luna y la presencia de los 4 planetas mayores en el cielo nocturno hará de este evento algo aún más especial. Como ya es tradición, el Ayuntamiento de Antigua organiza una observación pública y gratuita en el Poblado Prehispánico de la Atalayita (información en el 928 549653), pero el espectáculo podrá admirarse desde todos los sitios oscuros de la isla.

Y volviendo a los planetas, en el Firmamento destaca Venus, que se pone bastante pronto en el Oeste, así como Júpiter, que brilla muy alto en el cielo ya a la caída de la noche. El telescopio nos revelará sus bandas atmosféricas oscuras y sus 4 satélites mayores, unos puntos brillantes que danzan incansablemente a su alrededor. Cada vez más alto en el Este, Saturno deja a todo el mundo admirado al contemplar sus anillos, con frecuencia también acompañados por algunos de sus más de 60 satélites. También Marte, el Planeta Rojo destino de tantos programas de exploración, va acercándose a esta zona en su aparente movimiento retrógrado.

La Luna nos acompaña en la segunda mitad del mes. Sus montañas, sus mares y su cráteres nos sorprenden por su nitidez y su aparente cercanía a través del telescopio, dejándonos fascinados cada vez que los admiramos.

¡Cielos despejados para todos! ….



....This Summer season, which is just beginning, is revealed as the great epoch of the planets. Although Venus is setting down earlier and earlier after sunset towards the West, Jupiter, in the constellation of Libra, is very high in the sky when the night arrives. This is the best season to observe him through a telescope: he will reveal the clouds of his high atmosphere, with their darker bands and the Great Red Spot, as well as his 4 major satellites, eternally dancing around him.

From the East, in Sagittarius, a yellow dot indicates the presence of Saturn, who leaves everybody without words while admiring his rings, and it is not rare that some of his more than 60 satellites are visible too. And Mars is now approaching Saturn coming from the Eastern constellation of Capricorn, in his apparent retrograde movement. The rovers Opportunity and Curiosity, have been exploring his surface for many years, and are helping us to understand his mysteries, such as the presence of water below his surface or the presence of methane in his atmosphere.

The Moon will also accompany us in the second part of July. Her mountains, her seas and her craters shine closely through a telescope, fascinating everyone who would contemplate them.

Clear skies to everybody! ..

Este verano que está empezando se anuncia como la gran temporada de los planetas. Si ben Venus se pone cada vez más pronto en el Oeste poco después del ocaso, Júpiter, en la constelación de Libra, está muy alto en el cielo a la caída de la noche. Es la época mejor para observarlo con el telescopio: nos revelará las nubes de la alta atmósfera, con sus bandas oscuras y la Gran Mancha Roja, así como sus 4 satélites mayores, puntos brillantes que danzan eternamente a su alrededor.

Desde el Este, en Sagitario, brilla la luz amarillenta de Saturno, que deja a todo el mundo sin palabra al admirar sus anillos, y no es infrecuente que se vean también algunos de sus más de 60 satélites. Marte, en cambio, se va acercando a Saturno desde Capricornio, en su aparente movimiento retrógrado. Las sondas Opportunity y Curiosity, que están explorando su superficie desde varios años, nos están ayudando a desvelar poco a poco sus misterios, como la presencia de agua bajo la superficie o de metano en la atmósfera.

Y también la Luna nos acompaña en la segunda parte del mes. Sus montañas, sus mares y su cráteres brillan a través del telescopio, dejando fascinados a quienes los contemplen.

¡Cielos despejados para todos! ....


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....In the beginning of June, when the night comes in we can admire the 2 brightest planets of the Solar System at the same time in the opposite sides of the sky: Venus, towards the Sunset, and Jupiter towards the Sunrise, higher and higher each night. In the next hours, Mars and Saturn are already appearing from the East, announcing the great season of the planets of this summer.

For our visitors from northern countries, the southern sky in June will be a big surprise: Fuerteventura's latitude allows us to admire the wonderful constellation of Centaurus in all its beauty, with its remarkable guests, such as the globular cluster Omega Centauri; it is the only one faintly visible with naked eyes, in spite of the incredible distance of 17 thousand’s light-years, a beautiful explosion of light through a telescope.

For the Moon lovers, the best days of June are in the second half of the month, with the First Quarter on day 21st. Her carters, her seas and her long ranges of mountains, visible with rich detail with a telescope, are always fascinating children of all ages.

Clear skies to everybody!  ..

A principios de Junio, a primeras horas de la noche, podemos admirar los dos planetas más brillantes del Sistema Solar en las extremidades opuesta del cielo: Venus hacia donde se pone el Sol y Júpiter hacia donde se levanta, ganando altura cada noche. En las horas siguientes, ya van apareciendo también Saturno y Marte, anunciando la gran temporada de planetas que nos espera este verano.

Para los que nos visitan desde el continente, la zona Sur del cielo de este mes va a ser todo un descubrimiento: la latitud de Fuerteventura permite admirar la constelación del Centauro en toda su plenitud, con sus admirables huéspedes, como el maravilloso cúmulo llamado Omega Centauri; es el único de su género que se atisbe a simple vista, a pesar de la descomunal distancia de 17 mil años luz, todo un resplandor de luz a través de un telescopio.

Para los apasionados de la Luna, la época mejor de junio es la segunda parte del mes, con el Cuarto Creciente el día 21. Sus cráteres, sus mares y sus largas cadenas de montañas, visibles con todo lujo de detalle desde un telescopio, dejan siempre fascinados tanto a los niños como a los mayores

¡Cielos despejados para todos!....





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....From the first hours of the night, the May sky is dominated by 2 brilliant objects: the planet Venus toward the West and the planet Jupiter towards the East. For the lovers of the telescopic observation, the second one, the giant of the Solar System who crosses the constellation of Libra, is more interesting, with his 4 satellites visible as brilliant dots rapidly moving around his equator. If the night is clear, it is not difficult to distinguish also the dark bands of the outer atmosphere of the planet, which hide storms of incredible size, bigger that our Earth. More to the South, the beautiful constellations of Centaurus and Southern Cross are peeping out of the horizon of Fuerteventura: we should not miss the opportunity to admire our neighbor star Alfa Centauri nor the fantastic cluster called Omega Centauri, both visible with naked eyes, but revealing their secrets only through a telescope.

May starts with the Moon just after the full phase, which will be present back by the end of the month. In order to enjoy the observation in her best days, we recommend to wait for the waxing phase, after day 20th in this month.

Clear skies to everybody!  ..

Desde las primeras horas de la noche, el cielo de Mayo está dominado por dos brillantes luceros: el planeta Venus hacia el Oeste y el planeta Júpiter hacia el Este. Para los apasionados de la observación telescópica, es más interesante este segundo objeto, el gigante del Sistema Solar que cruza la constelación de Libra, con sus 4 satélites visibles como puntitos luminosos en rápido movimiento alrededor de su ecuador. Si la noche es clara, no es difícil tampoco distinguir las bandas oscuras de la atmósfera superior del planeta, que esconden tormentas de tamaño colosal, más grandes que nuestra Tierra.  Mirando en el cielo más al Sur, las bonitas constelaciones de la Cruz del Sur y del Centauro se asoman al horizonte de Fuerteventura: no debemos perder la oportunidad de admirar nuestra estrella vecina Alfa Centauri ni el maravilloso cúmulo llamado Omega Centauri, ambos visibles a simple vista, pero cuyos secretos sólo están al alcance de un telescopio.

La Luna empieza Mayo justo después de la fase de plenitud, que vuelve también en la última semana. Para disfrutar mejor de su observación, es recomendable esperar a la fase creciente, que este mes se da pasado el día 20.

¡Cielos despejados para todos!....


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....In April, Spring is back in plentitude: the daylight saving is now in progress and the days are longer, as well as the sweeter temperatures that invite us to enjoy the night sky. The great constellations of the winter, such as Orion and Taurus, are still high in the night sky, but they set down earlier and earlier towards the West, leaving the protagonism in the South to the big ship Argo, which carried the hero Jason and his crew in the known Greek myth. This huge constellation of ancient origin, now divided into 4 parts, is marked by the brilliant star Canopus, the second brightest of the sky, not visible from continental Europe. 

In the zodiacal zone, together with Leo high in the East, the nice Virgo brings back the myths related to Spring and the goddess Ceres, ancient patron of agriculture. In the following constellation, Libra, we find the king of the planets, Jupiter, who is finally back and fascinates us with his satellites and dark bands that a good telescope is able to reveal.

And, of course, the Moon is faithfully shining in the first days of April in her full phase, which will repeat by the end of the month. But if you love her, we recommend to observe her around the First Quarter, at the beginning of the last week. 

Clear skies to everybody!  ..

En Abril ya estamos de lleno en la primavera: ya ha entrado el horario de verano y los días se alargan, al mismo tiempo que las temperaturas más suaves invitan a disfrutar del cielo nocturno. Las grandes constelaciones de la estación invernal, como Orión o Tauro, siguen altas en el cielo, pero se ponen cada día más pronto en el Oeste, dejando el protagonismo en el Sur al navío Argo, que transportó el héroe Jasón y a sus compañeros en el famoso mito griego. Esta gran constelación de orígenes muy antiguos, ahora dividida en 4 partes, alberga a la brillante estrella Canopo, la segunda más luminosa del cielo, no visible desde la Europa continental.

En la zona zodiacal, con el León ya alto en el Este, la hermosa Virgo nos trae de vuelta los mitos griegos relacionados con la primavera y la diosa Ceres, antigua patrona de la agricultura. 

En la constelación que la sigue, Libra, ya se asoma el rey de los planetas, Júpiter, que nos fascina con sus satélites y sus bandas, que un buen telescopio pone a nuestro alcance.

Y la Luna no falta a su cita mensual, empezando abril con la fase de plenitud, que vuelve también en la última semana. Pero para observarla con más detalles, es recomendable la fase creciente, que este mes corresponde a la última semana.

¡Cielos despejados para todos!....


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....March takes us back to Spring time: the days are now longer and the temperature is higher, inviting us to enjoy the firmament. The Winter constellations are still very high in the evening sky; this is the case of Orion and the Great Dog towards the South, while in the zodiacal region Gemini and Taurus dominate the zenith. From the East, Leo is now rising and announcing the great season of the galaxies that we shall enjoy over the next months. Among the most interesting telescopic objects of the month, besides the wonderful nebula M42 in Orion, is an amazing star nursery located in the sword of the mythical sky hunter, a special protagonism is acquired by the many open clusters, as M35 in Gemini and M41 in the Great Dog.

Whilst still awaiting the return of the big planets, the most admired object of the night sky, the Moon, will not miss the date. This month starts with the Full phase, which will come back also by the end of the month. The most favorable moment to admire her craters, her seas and her mountains, with a telescope, reaching us from hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, is the Crescent phase, which in March takes place in the last weeks.

Clear skies to everybody!  ..

Marzo es el mes que nos trae de vuelta a la primavera: los días se hacen más largos y la temperatura es menos rígida, invitando a la contemplación del Firmamento. Las constelaciones del inverno siguen muy altas en el cielo vespertino, destacando Orión y el Can Mayor hacia el Sur, mientras que en la zona zodiacal Gémini y Tauro siguen dominando el cielo del cenit. Ya desde el Este se asoma Leo, anunciando la llegada de la gran temporada de las galaxias que nos espera en los meses venideros. Entre los objetos más interesantes para la observación con telescopio, además de la preciosa Nebulosa M42 en Orión, fulgurante criadero de estrellas localizado en la espada del mítico cazador celeste, hay que destacar lo múltiples cúmulos abiertos, como M35 en Gémini o M41 en el Can Mayor.
Para admirar los grandes planetas habrá que esperar todavía un tiempo, pero no va a faltar a la cita el objeto más admirado de todos: la Luna. El mes empieza con la fase de plenitud, que vuelve también en la última semana. El momento más favorable para disfrutar de sus cráteres, sus mares y sus montañas, que el telescopio nos permite alcanzar desde cientos de miles de kilómetros, es la fase creciente, que en marzo se da en la última decena.

¡Cielos despejados para todos! ....